April 6, 2011


These are just some pics I thought were cute.

Cowboy and Dom. Cowboy seriously misses his cousin! We hear Dom's name every day.

This is funny. I lay out Jenny's cloths and match the pants with the shirts and pair it all up for her, pajamas included. Sometimes, she just likes to pick it herself and the other day she came out in this. It was just around the house so who cares but it was just funny because she was SO proud of herself!

Nothing makes me smile like Warren playing with the kids. I love it. They love it. It is a beautiful thing.

It is a shame he is so serious! Bahahaha...

He is so good with her!! If you know Cowboy, you know what a big deal that is!

Thank You Warren!!!

You can look below at Ladybug's Birthday Blog and see what it looked like before. Sad. They looked sad. They had already started before we thought to take pics but you can still get the idea. I am so excited and they did such a good job!

Kinda miss the dark color but Warren wanted to make the kitchen lighter and it was really the only thing he had an opinion on so lighter it is. He worked really hard for weeks trying to get things done and it looks so much better! Love that he knows how to do this kind of stuff!

The floors looked like this for OVER A YEAR!

Much better!!

Love it! Love it! Love it!

Cowboy's 5th Birthday

So, this year we did something we SWORE we would NEVER do! Cowboy asked for a Chuck-E-Cheese birthday party and we caved. I think we will do it every year from now on because it was SOOO much easier than doing everything at home and he LOVED it. Jenny had a lot of fun too. She was SERIOUSLY inappropriate with Mr. Cheese but he survived. Here are some pics of the big birthday boy!

Jenny racing...

Cowboy and his friends...

Cowboy and his cutie patootie cousin!

Cowboy getting ready to be center of attention!

Blowing out his candles....duh.

Getting his Birthday medallion. He was seriously excited!

Everyone clapping for him.

Cowboy singing and dancing with the mouse. Kinda creepy.

Clap Your Hands!!!

Cowboy and Chuck

Some kind of coupon token thing.


Cool batman bucket!

Jenny at the Polar Express!!

Jenny talked about this for WEEKS!!! She got to go with her friends from the CCMRA and she had a ball! "GUESS WHAT!!! I SAW SANTA!!! REALLY! I DID!!" She is so funny...

Jen and one of her friends...

The Polar Express


Terry and Jenny. She does recreation and respit with Jenny and she is sweet as they come. We love her but Jenny REALLY loves her!!


April 5, 2011

Ladybugs 2nd Birthday

So, normally, I think "Wow! time is flying by" Not so much with Ladybug! She has been through a lot for only being two and I am so thankful that year two was far less traumatic that year one! She is the most precious thing in the world to me and her daddy. We have watched her go from lethargic to active, helpless to curious and gaining independence! She is so smart and she is working so hard to do the things we did not know how long it would take her to do. She is AMAZING and I could so not imagine a life without our sister girl! We were a little unprepared for her birthday this year so the pics are not great but here is what we have.

Ladybug and Daddy

Ladybug....grumpy little Ladybug

Ladybug's buddies, Papa and Cowboy

Ladybug's favorite Aunt, Mimi, and Tosha


Not a Birthday pic but I wanted to post some smiles!


Playing hide and seek with her Papa.

Josh's Wedding (and Rachel's)

Their wedding was in Nov but I am just now posting. It was amazing.

The fellas being goobs.

K2 holding sweet cheeks...

Cowboy giving sister some love...

Josh being - well, Josh! :o) He is so funny.

Me and my Mama!

My mom and Uncle Bill, Aunt Sissy, Uncle Joe, Uncle Ken and in the back is my cousin, Kendall.

One of my favorite pictures...Cowboy dancing with K3.

Bryan and Julie with K1-K4. They are all as amazing as they look!

My mom and her besties!

J & R She was/is BEAUTIFUL!

Mom and Dad!