August 18, 2009

Ladybug's Dermatology Appt.

Mercy. Everyone is always asking me about the blisters on Ladybug's skin and until today I had no idea. They are something she developed while still in the tummy and she should stop getting new ones at about 12 months. The bumps that she has are not going to go away but when she is 2 or 3 they will just look like brown spots. I guess like a freckle. Apparently, in adults it is pretty dangerous but PRAISE THE LORD, for infants it is no big deal unless they grow inside her body instead of just on the outside. Here is what the paper says:

It is called urticaria pigmentosa. It is caused from the presence of too many mast cells in a person's body. Mast cells are located in skin, the linings of the stomach and intestine, as well as other sites and may play an important role in helping defend these tissues from disease. By releasing chemicals such as histamine, mast cells attract other key players of the immune defense system to areas of the body where they are needed. Histamine is involved in reaction such as allergies and hives.

Now, you know what I know. They are going to check her again in 4 months to make sure there are none growing inside. How do they check that you may ask. Yea. I have no idea. I will tell ya in 4 months. :-)
As you can see the bumps do not bother our sweet angel one bit.

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