October 28, 2009

Dom's Birthday

Well, the tornado is 5 today. I believe that is an official big boy! He got to open his presents before school today so he was all excited! Just thought I would explain that it was early in the morning for Amy's sake since her hair was 9 kinds of lovely! I had some great pics of Amy but I got an EVIL Amy look when I said I was putting them up. I will have to wait till she moves out to blog them so she does not hurt me!! lol. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOM!!!

October 25, 2009

Yes, this is where rednecks come from!

A couple at our church hosted a Fall Festival at their house. They really went all out and were so creative! I am sure they put a lot of effort and time into it and the kids really enjoyed it! Of course, I had to post some pictures.

Ladybug and her Papa

HOLY COW!! Cowboy and his cousin Dom being NICE to one another!! Rare!!!!

Cowboy playing some games in the barn.

Jenny playing games.

Cowboy and Dom checking out the race track.

October 24, 2009

2009 Buddy Walk

So we have attended our first Buddy Walk with Ladybug. It was really cool and they had a ton of stuff for the kids to do. Ladybug slept through most of it but her brother had a blast! Jennifer went with us and she was too funny and by funny I mean all up in EVERYBODY'S business! That girl does not have a shy bone in her body or any concept of personal space. We had a good time.

Ladybug getting ready to leave the house for the Buddy Walk.

Ladybug during the walking part of the day.

Mom and Dad

Sleeping Ladybug.

Daddy and Ladybug.

Me and my Cowboy.

Cowboy checking out the cruiser.

Papa and Cowboy.

Daddy and Cowboy

Jen getting a balloon bunny.

Jen checking out the firetruck.

Mom and Jen.

This is mom and her friend Wee Wee. She is the one that knows the way to Cowboy's heart. (John Deere) She gave Jen a bag of makeup and we thought Jen was gong to hyperventilate she was so excited. We were so glad she came to support Downs Syndrome and Ladybug.

October 18, 2009

Camping with Mimi and Papa

Cowboy loves going out to Mimi and Papa's lake lot so we went out a few weekends ago and got to relax for a couple days. It was great. It is really a shame that Cowboy does not get much attention from his Mimi and Papa! Just a crazy shame.

Cowboy hangin out with Papa.

Breakfast at the lake.

Helping Papa make a fire.

Bringing (eating) bread to feed the ducks

Mimi and Cowboy feeding ducks.

Mimi and Papa goofing around with Cowboy.

Cowboy being silly.

October 11, 2009

Lovin' My Man!

Well, I talk about the kids all the time but never really say much about their amazing dad! Both of my babies are MAJOR daddy's kids! I was holding Ladybug this morning and Warren came over to stand next to me and as soon as she heard his voice she started reaching for him. When he took her she just laid her head on his shoulder and said dada. That baby girl is all about her daddy.

Cowboy tries to copy everything his daddy does. He loves spending time with his dad! The boys are always running around with Ladybug's blankets around their neck for "super hero" capes so the other day, dad joined in the fun and stole Cowboy's cape and the boys just went after him with a vengeance. It was too funny! (Probably had to be there and be the mama :-) )

Warren watches Cowboy and Dom so that the girls can go out once a month for Ladies Night Out and the last time we went out, this is what we found when we came home. Boys are so funny!

Anyway, just thought I would post some of these pics and let the two people who read my blog (lol) know how lucky my family is and how lucky I am to have such an amazing husband!